Bloom + Grow .12
Friends! It’s been a minute since our last bloom + grow but I’m excited to be back to normal scheduling over here. Today I wanted to share a little more from our time back home over the break!
- It was such a treat getting to see a lot of my favorite people while we were home. I always have a deeper love for my family + my friends every time we leave.
- Chas got a haircut!! The man had quite the mane growing and he finally agreed that it was time for a chop. You should have seen all the hair on the ground…. He is looking so very handsome with his fresh new do!
- This past weekend we got to experience our first Chicago snow! We missed the real first one in November when we were back in Dallas for Thanksgiving, but it was truly magical! Stay tuned as I will be sharing more photos from it this week!
- I announced my newest addition to Miss Madeline Rose in this blog post earlier this month. I have loved every minute of sharing about essential oils + the powerful tools they have been for me the past 4 years. I created an Instagram account solely for oils (@madelinerose.essentials) and I’m spilling all of my tips + tricks that I’ve learned and am continuing to learn.
- Side note: If you’ve ever had the slightest bit of interest in essential oils, today is your lucky day! Young Living (where we get our oils from) is offering 10% off the desert mist premium starter kit and if you sign up today to join my team I will send you an additional $25 making your kit $119 instead of $160. The sale ends tonight! So many people have already said yes to jumping in and I can’t wait to see how they bless each family. I have all the details about how to get started HERE.
- Trying to be patient while we wait for our new couch, but I am SO ready to have somewhere to sit in our apartment that’s not the kitchen table. I know it’s going to be that much sweeter once we get it!
- On a more serious note, we started a new sermon series yesterday at our church that they’re calling “Explore God” where we dive into some of the most thought provoking questions… the first one being what is our purpose? As believers, we are called to “fear God and keep his commandments” like is says in Ecclesiastes 12:13-14. My prayer is that I would continue to remember that my life is not about me, but rather the creator who made me.
bloom + grow forever,
Madeline Rose