Striped Dress for Summer
With the temperatures in Dallas exceeding 100 degrees the past two weeks, I have found myself constantly reaching for a lightweight dress. Anthropologie is one of my favorite places for unique pretty dresses and this one is perfect for summer (and it’s currently on sale!). Stripes will always be a timeless pattern and you all know my love for pockets. It also comes in a pink and red version. I recently wore it out with friends and styled a denim jacket over it.
This pink ark bag adds a touch of color and actually holds more than I thought it would! I have been wearing this patterned bandana all sorts of ways this summer. From my bag, to my hair, and one of my favorite ways: around my neck.
We are leaving this morning for Albuquerque, New Mexico for my cousin’s wedding and I’m can’t wait! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Xx
bloom & grow forever,
Madeline Rose
P H O T O G R A P H Y : H A N N A H H A S T O N
Fresh, cool and comfortable. Perfect in every way, you know the secret of putting things together. Just beautiful.